
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Amazing Facts about Diabetes

Amazing Facts about Diabetes

Diabetes…this word is very famous from ages in the world. There are many references about this word in old medicine books and research papers. In Ayurved diabetes is termed as ‘MADHU MEH’. It means MADHU=Sweet and MEH = Urine. This gives the clear picture about the disorder that the glucose is thrown out of the body and not used in the building energy. In the second century Oritus named this disorder as diabetes. In Greek language Diabetes means to suck. The person who suffers from diabetes, he becomes very much weak, because his energy from the body is taken away…

The story goes behind in the year 1889. Two doctors named Dr. Mehring and Dr. Mikovhaski removed the pancreas of one poor dog…the reason was just the bet. Just for the money. They took the winning amount, and never thought that this bet will initiate into invention…invention of Insulin!!! Amazing, isn’t it?

They took the amount of the bet and had a wonderful shopping and party with friends. They totally forget about the poor dog who was suffering. The helper of these two doctors was the only person who looked after that dog. After some days he founded lot of ants on the urinary tract of the dog. This made the attention of the doctors towards the dog. They tested the urine of the dog and founded that there is lot of glucose in it. The removal of pancreas increased the amount of glucose in urine of the dog. Unfortunately, the dog became the patient of the diabetes. The doctors came to the conclusion that there is some material in the pancreas which controls the amount of glucose. After the many trials and errors scientists were successful at coining that material which is known as Insulin.

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