
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Amazing Facts about Diabetes

Amazing Facts about Diabetes

Diabetes…this word is very famous from ages in the world. There are many references about this word in old medicine books and research papers. In Ayurved diabetes is termed as ‘MADHU MEH’. It means MADHU=Sweet and MEH = Urine. This gives the clear picture about the disorder that the glucose is thrown out of the body and not used in the building energy. In the second century Oritus named this disorder as diabetes. In Greek language Diabetes means to suck. The person who suffers from diabetes, he becomes very much weak, because his energy from the body is taken away…

The story goes behind in the year 1889. Two doctors named Dr. Mehring and Dr. Mikovhaski removed the pancreas of one poor dog…the reason was just the bet. Just for the money. They took the winning amount, and never thought that this bet will initiate into invention…invention of Insulin!!! Amazing, isn’t it?

They took the amount of the bet and had a wonderful shopping and party with friends. They totally forget about the poor dog who was suffering. The helper of these two doctors was the only person who looked after that dog. After some days he founded lot of ants on the urinary tract of the dog. This made the attention of the doctors towards the dog. They tested the urine of the dog and founded that there is lot of glucose in it. The removal of pancreas increased the amount of glucose in urine of the dog. Unfortunately, the dog became the patient of the diabetes. The doctors came to the conclusion that there is some material in the pancreas which controls the amount of glucose. After the many trials and errors scientists were successful at coining that material which is known as Insulin.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hair care in summers

How to care your hair during summer? 

Hair Care  becomes a worrisome factor for both men and women as the heat of summer increases. The major causes are the unremovable dust, growing dandruff, drying scalp and the heat all over your head. There is no wonder that you may even consider shaving your hair. Conversely, try some of these beauty Tips and keep your head and hair cool during summer.

One does not always need to consult an expert in order to get luscious hair. Just a little knowledge and care is all that is required to be the 21st century Rapunzel.

1. A good diet is a must. Protein is vital to your hair's health and growth. Eat coconut, dairy products, fruits and leafy vegetables.

2. Drink water. Water makes up one-fourth of the weight of a hair strand. Moisture makes the hair supple, make sure you get plenty of fluids.

3. Tie your hair when out on windy days as it ensures that your hair does not get tangled.

4. Give your hair a good  hair oil massage ( It increases the circulation in the scalp and provides nourishment.

5. Be as natural as possible. Stay away from too much colouring/ perming/ ironing of your hair. It only will lead to damage eventually. Avoid using the hair dryer; let your hair air dry.

6. Ensure that you go for hair trims regularly. You must eliminate split ends. This ensures that your hair grows evenly and looks healthy.

7. Avoid using harsh shampoos and conditioners as they can harm your hair and make it dry. Go for   Ayurvedic and Herbal hair and shampoo (

8. Keep a healthy lifestyle. Stay away from consuming too much caffeine. Sleep seven to eight hours and make a conscious effort to take some time out to de-stress.

9. Never brush your hair when it is wet. Use a comb instead and comb your hair gently.

10. Before going to sleep at night, give your hair a 100 gentle strokes with a brush. This increases the blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth.

11.You can rub lemon on your scalp. This will wonderfully reduce the dandruff and automatically cool your head.

12. The application of hair oils mixed with amla will naturally reduce the dandruff as well as cool the head.  

13.Never use warm water to wash your head. At the same time avoid taking head bath in extremely cold water.

So keep your hair healthy and strong with Naturon.........


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Best And Worst Of Junk and Fast Food

The Best And Worst Of Junk and Fast  Food

Fast food is one of those subjects that seems to provoke a lot of debate in people – those who eat it and those who advise us against it. But the industry is booming, and there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of new fast food outlets it can’t be all bad, can it?

A change in lifestyle and the commercial possibilities in preparing and marketing food stuffs have led to a boom in factory made and packaged food. These foods indicate nutrition patterns different from those in fresh or homemade food. Since all of us consume biscuits, noodles, chips, bread, and other ready made foods it is important to be aware of the highs and lows of such food.

Convenience Foods
Convenience foods are also known as Ready-to-Eat foods.
The advantages are:
Saves time
Do not call for culinary skills
Are tasty and appealing
Advantages Of Fast Food
Well, the obvious advantages of fast food are its speed and its cost. If you’ve had a hard day at work, and worked late, the last thing you might feel like doing is throwing together a meal from scratch, no matter how the TV chefs wax lyrical about the advantages of fresh ingredients. So it can feel like a Godsend to be able to throw a ready meal in the oven, dial a pizza or pick up a chicken bucket on your way home. No, it’s not ideal but it meets a need!
The cost can also be one of the advantages. If you live alone, it’s often cheaper to buy a meal for one at the supermarket, where they are often on special offer, or order a takeaway. Burgers and fries from a fast food restaurant are notoriously cheap. If you have a family, of course, existing on fast food could prove to be one of the disadvantages, as it would be rather more expensive to feed a whole family.
Some fast food isn’t bad for your health at all either. Frozen meals can come additive-free and be available as healthier options. There are more and more healthy options available on fast food menus for health conscious consumers to choose from. Even a takeaway can have healthy menu options – if you know how to work the menu and go for steamed rice instead of fried, plenty of vegetables, pizza with less fatty meat and cheese etc.

 Disadvantages Of Fast Food

The disadvantages of junk food and ready meals are screamed at us on a daily basis by the media. Obviously, if you are looking after your health, you need to be aware that fast food as a rule contains more fat, salt and calories that you really should be taking in on a regular basis.

The occasional treat won’t hurt at all, and eating fast food in moderation is not a problem, but moderation can be difficult when faced with ‘super sizing’ and ‘deals’ that encourage you to buy more than you initially intended just to get a few pounds shaved off of the bill. Don’t be tempted into the ‘buy one get one free’ pizza deals – most people neither want or need extra portions.
Super sizing seems to have gone the way of advertising to kids in fast food restaurants, but beware the portion sizes in takeaway food that you order in. The containers of rice and noodles that you get from a Chinese or an Indian takeaway are enough for two to three people to share, so if you eat one all by yourself you’ll take in a massive amount of fat and calories ...and probably give yourself indigestion too.
Family meal deals can also be a problem, as you usually end up with more food than you need and there’s always someone there happy to finish it off. Give the extra large pizzas or chicken buckets a miss and only order what you really need.

So Stop Eating Fast Food......... and keep your self healthy and fit with fresh Food and Water

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Glowing & Healthy Skin Naturally

How to Get the Glowing & Healthy  Skin Naturally

As the chill weather clothes you with dry and moisture less dark skin, here are some beauty tips for glowing skin through out the year. Follow these home remedies and experience a glowing, hydrated and rejuvenated skin. So, why wait, let mother nature heal and pamper your skin with her gifted treasures.

Homemade Remedies
Mash banana with milk and apply it on face . Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. 
· Make a fine paste of one teaspoon of walnut powder, lemon juice and honey. Scrub the body with the paste. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. 
· Make a paste of turmeric powder and orange juice. Scrub it on the area that is widely exposed to sun or cold weather. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it with cold water. 
· A piece of papaya when applied to the face can do a similar magic. 
· Boil cabbage in water and let the water cool overnight. Wash your face with this water early in the morning. 
· Make a paste of powdered mango peels and 1 teaspoon of milk powder. Scrub it over the area that is widely exposed to sun or cold weather.  
·  In equal quantities, mix vinegar with rose water and apply.  
· Make a face mask of curd and cucumber juice and apply it at least once a week. 
·  Make a paste of red sandal wood and apply it on the face every day for glowing skin.  
·  Make a paste with red sandal powder and  coconut milk and apply on the face for soft skin. A healthy massage with coconut milk and a pinch of turmeric powder before a hot water bath also helps. 
·  Mix pineapple juice and carrot juice together and apply it on the face and wash it after 15 minutes. 
·  Boil 8 cups of water, put in 2 table spoons of dark organic honey, slices of cucumber and 2 tea bags of green tea. Let the mixture sit over night in a container, then wash with a face cloth to feel refreshed. 
·  Mix half teaspoon dried curry eaf powder with multani mitti (fullers earth) and apply on the face. Wash it with lukewarm water after it gets dry.  
·  Apply the mixture of honey and tomato juice on the face and neck, wash it after 15 minutes.  
·  Apply coconut water and thick pineapple juice mixture for 15 minutes and pat dry. 
·  Drink plenty of water to keep your body well flushed of toxins and wastes.  
·  Include plenty of raw foods like fruits, salads and sprouts in your daily diet
·  Make sure to take time to relax as stress can trigger off many skin problems.

Benefits of Nutritional Supplements in your daily diet.

Benefits of Nutritional Supplements in your daily diet

Yes, You Really Do Need Them! Here's Why

The problem with most people is that they base their health on how they feel. Just because you feel healthy and in perfect fit now, does not mean you do not need supplements.

When it suddenly strikes - an illness, a health problem, a sign of old age, weakness - we begin to search for a dietary or herbal supplement to help us get out of the hole we have unfortunately dug for ourselves.

Nutritional deficiency is almost impossible to avoid in these modern times. With our busy lifestyle, the ever-tempting convenience of fast food, it is now very difficult to enjoy excellent daily nutrition.

This is not to say, though, that health supplements should replace proper nutrition. Besides, nutritional supplements are still supplements. They work by complementing your diet to make sure you get the right nutrients that you need

I admit that it is difficult, even for me, to stay away from fast foods or non-fresh foods. If your lifestyle and work conditions prevent you from having a nutritious diet, then your only hope for better illness-free health is a good dietary supplement.

What are the benefits that you can get from nutritional supplements?

First of all, supplements help you overcome nutritional deficiencies. We need all the nutrients in their proper amounts for optimum health. Since our diets most likely can not provide all of them, nutritional supplements can fill in those gaps.

Some of the Nutritional Supplements like Alovera, Spirulina, Wheatgrass, Mushroom etc, help boost our immune system. The stronger your immune system, the more resistant your body can be against disease. You probably know that popping a tablet or two of Vitamin C can help you avoid colds and related illnesses. This is exactly how useful supplementation is.

Nutritional supplements are also useful in getting rid of the toxins which we horrendously take in everyday. The environmental stresses we go through, chemicals we are in touch with, as well as our lifestyle - these all subject us to harmful toxins which can lead to serious health problems. Supplements, most especially anti-oxidants, can help our body keep toxins to a minimum.

There are much more benefits that nutritional supplements can provide. The main point is that these supplements help you have the optimum health you deserve and minimize the risk of diseases without any side effects.

Naturon Brings the wide range of Nutritional supplement…which will help you to overcome the problems of your daily Life Style

So Stay Healthy With NATURON 'S……..Nutritional Supplements

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Live healthy with Green Leafy Vegetables

Mother was right all along. Grandma also told you they were good for you. So why do Americans eat green leafy vegetables only about once or twice a week? Why are cabbage, broccoli, turnip greens, and spinach rarely seen at the American dinner table? Why is lettuce the only green vegetable that most Americans ever use, when green vegetables are recognized by nutritionists as one of the most inexpensive sources of so many important nutrients?
Leafy vegetables are ideal for weight management as they are typically low in calories. They are useful in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease since they are low in fat, high in dietary fiber, and rich in folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, as well as containing a host of phytochemicals, such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. One study showed that an increment of one daily serving of green leafy vegetables, lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by 11 percent. In the Adventist health study, the frequent consumption of green salads by African-Americans was associated with a substantially lower risk of mortality.
Because of their high magnesium content and low glycemic index, green leafy vegetables are also valuable for persons with type 2 diabetes. An increase of 1 serving/day of green leafy vegetables was associated with a 9 percent lower risk of diabetes. The high level of vitamin K in greens makes them important for the production of osteocalcin, a protein essential for bone health. The risk of hip fracture in middle-aged women was decreased 45% for one or more servings/day of green, leafy vegetables compared to fewer servings.
Green vegetables are also a major source of iron and calcium for any diet. Swiss chard and spinach are not considered good sources of calcium, due to their high content of oxalic acid. Green leafy vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which can also be converted into vitamin A, and also improve immune function. Millions of children around the world have an increased risk of blindness, and other illnesses because of inadequate dietary vitamin A from green leafy vegetables.
Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in dark-green leafy vegetables, are concentrated in the eye lens and macular region of the retina, and play a protective role in the eye. They protect against both cataract and age-related macular degeneration, the major cause of blindness in the elderly. Some studies suggest that lutein and zeaxanthin may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast and lung cancer, and may contribute to the prevention of heart disease and stroke.

So have more and more Green Vegetables in your diet....and stay Naturally

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Health Secrets of Drinking Enough Water

                  Health Secrets of Drinking Enough Water        

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to keep their skin looking radiant, smooth, hydrated, and beautiful?
Well, before you assume that it must be the effects of some big name anti-aging cream and rush out to the shops armed with your check book, you should find out more about the health benefits of drinking water and how your skin can benefit from drinking enough water. You will be amazed at just what an effect drinking adequate supplies of water can have - not just on your skin but also in terms of your general health.
Fresh, clean water can hydrate the body both inside and out, and can leave you feeling more energetic and looking healthier than ever. Experts recommend around eight glasses of water each day, but in truth most of us don't drink anywhere near the recommended amount, and as a result we suffer a variety of ailments and never feel as healthy as we could. Drinking water can make a huge difference, and once you become a regular water drinker you will see for yourself how this can help in many areas.

Drink clean fresh water and enjoy a range of health benefits

Getting into the habit of drinking water is easy, and apart from anything else this is one drink that really does quench your thirst! However, many people do worry about the health implications of drinking tap water, with the risk of contaminants and chemicals, and are worried about the expense of having to keep buying bottled water in such large quantities. There is an easier and far more affordable solution though. You can enjoy cleaner, fresher water in the comfort of your own home with the use of one of the high quality water filters available today. And you will enjoy a range of benefits when you start drinking adequate amounts of water on a daily basis. You will feel more energized, your skin will look and feel healthier, and you can enjoy many other health benefits. For example, various studies have shown that drinking enough water can help to reduce the risk of colon and bladder cancer, can ease constipation, and can alleviate joint stiffness. Dieters can also benefit from drinking water, as it can promote a feeling of fullness, thus reducing the risk of snacking and piling on the pounds.

Add to your health benefits by also enjoying cleaner air

If you want to enjoy even better health you can add to the benefits of drinking water through the use of one of the various types of air cleaners available today, such as electrostatic air cleaners. By using one of these quality devices you can enjoy fresher, cleaner air, as the air cleaner helps to rid the air of pollutants and contaminants that can cause a range of health problems, from exacerbating allergies and causing respiratory problems to causing skin problems. By combining the use of an air cleaning device with an increase in your intake of fresh water, you should really see a difference in many areas of your health.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Naturon Sugar Guard

Neutralizes the craving for sugar and help balance your blood sugar

Diabetes nutrition is an important part of every diabetic’s treatment plan because a lack of certain vitamins in the diet can negatively affect glucose levels. Those with this illness need key vitamins and minerals in their systems that boost the ability to metabolize foods adequately. High blood sugars, which are the root of this disease, can contribute to an entire host of physical conditions that can eventually lead to death. Heart disease, stroke, infections, eye diseases, and other serious conditions can result from blood sugar that is not broken down appropriately in the blood stream. Because diabetes affects over twenty million people in America, doctors are concerned about the growing number of people who are diagnosed with this illness every year. Though no one specific cause can be attributed to the disease, diets rich in complex carbohydrates that are considered as "bad carbs" can be a contributing factor. Therefore, changing a diet and using diabetes nutritional supplements can help promote better metabolism, overcoming abnormalities. Anyone interested in living a healthy life-style, not just diabetics, should try……….NATURON Sugar Guard

Naturon Nurture Naturally

Welcome to NATURON WORLD…… expedition to GO BACK TO NATURE & NATURAL LIFE !!

Naturon is the name self explanatory and derived from the nature is totally and truly dedicated to nature and it’s our mission commitment to give natural solution of health related problem which cropped up due to our modern life style and heavy dependency on modern drugs.

We invite you to join us for this noble mission to serve the human society to attain pleasant health with prosperity and dignity.

We inspire those to associate with us who positively believe ‘’Mother Nature created us and only can foster us best. We commit to standard of excellence that will make our vision a reality. The natural legacy for us all is good health and prosperity. those who wish to receive this natural legacy need top practice the laws of good health ,Excellency in life and sound economics this means one needs to work diligently and exercise good judgment.”

We do accept the mandate to support a natural environment around us and pass on this natural legacy intact to the generations to come and we strongly realize that an informed and enlightened society will continue to reengineer itself to reflect.

We welcome all your association, motivation, suggestion and information which is very vital for this mission to carry on to reach the last person on the planet earth,